Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ok....A Few More Pictures

Will & Hayden are now 3 1/2 months old. I can't believe how time flies! They go in for their 4 month check up in 2 weeks. I can't wait to see how much they have grown! Here are a few more pictures of the cuties.... Happy Little Will....and pacifier free!!!
Tired from all the Christmas festivities

Hayden with her stuff animals and doll from Daddy
Adorable jean outfits from Aunt Joey
A very proud Daddy

Random Pictures

Here are some fun pictures from December! We are picture taking fools with these kids around! Uncle Kirk, Jack, Grandpa Gene, Will, Aunt Diane, Grammy & Hayden
Uncle Kirk getting some snuggles with Will & Jack
Jack loving on Harley
Grandma Kathy with the twins after a long day of shopping!
Hayden in her cutest outfit ever

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Our was great with our two little angels. I did wake up with a horrible flu on Christmas morning so our celebration was mild and our pictures came a day later. Aric was a champ and opened all the Christmas presents and showed Will & Hayden each and every one of them. He is such a wonderful Daddy! Here are some of our Christmas pictures. The twins enjoyed it very much! Plus, they have been able to spend everyday with Daddy while he is off on winter break. They have had so much fun playing with new toys and getting in some good cuddle time! Oh so many toys!
The clothes (under them) and stuffed animals....with Harley trying to kiss "Little Harley" from Uncle Steve

With their bear and doll from Daddy
What a GREAT Christmas present!

They already love their new toy box!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Meeting Santa!

We went to our daycare Christmas party on Friday. It was amazing! Susan had Santa come visit the kids and all of them got presents...of course! She also made us a poem with Will & Hayden's hand prints on it. She made ornaments and gave us pictures too! She is amazing! Here are some pictures from our first Christmas party!
Meeting Santa....a little sleepy
Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Going Back to Work....And Other Updates

I started work this week. It was very hard to start back up again. I am able to go feed them at lunch so I have that to look forward to every day. I am blessed to have an amazing daycare provider. She really loves the kids and it is great to have someone so special take care of them while I am at work.

The kids are growing so fast! I had them weighed today and they are getting big! Today they are 11 weeks and 2 days. Will is up to 11 lb. 11 oz. and Hayden is up to 9 lb. 13 oz. They have started to sleep very well! They typically sleep between 6 and 7 hours per night. It is awesome....especially since I started work! They are very alert and love to look at you and smile. Will has rolled over one time but I think it was a fluke as he was very mad to be on his tummy and he just kicked and pushed correctly and flipped over.

Will & Hayden's toy box! It took major sweet talking to convince Daddy that the twins needed to have a Laker toy box! The same line also carries a table, chairs, rocking chair and step stool. Maybe we can convince him of more later....doubt it though. :)

Cuddling during nap time. Their faces were touching before the flash went off.
On one of their play mats....with Harley checking on them.

Hayden smiling video

Play Time

Sunday, November 21, 2010


The Cats win again!!!! Will & Hayden were good luck for the Cats this year. It was an amazing game! We were able to find it on the internet and then hook our computer up to our tv. It was so great to see the game on the tv! Go Cats!
In our Cat gear!
Hayden & Will cheering them on!

Will watching the game :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Auntie Stef & Uncle Scott

Uncle Scott & Aunt Stef have been visiting for the past few days. It has been wonderful! They have been able to relax and we have had lots of yummy food from Stef! We really enjoyed having them to our home in Nebraska. Hopefully they can come back in the spring/summer with Tyler and we can go to the Black Hills. All snuggled (and watching tv) with their Aunt and Uncle!
Will snoozing with Uncle Scott

Hayden cuddling with Aunt Stef

Aric's Grandma, Mildred, playing with Hayden

Aric's Grandpa, Gene, with Will & Aric

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fall Activities

We have had a very busy fall! We have enjoyed some beautiful fall weather and many walks. We have also had many visitors! Scott & Stef are here now and have been taking great care of us. Stef cooked us about 6 meals to freeze so going back to work will be easier. Thank goodness! I can't wait to eat all the food. I will post some pictures with them as soon as I get them off my camera. Here are some of our activities....
Hayden & Will at work with Mommy
With Lexie & Ellie in Rapid City

Grandma Christine & Grandpa Doug

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

7 Weeks Old!

Where does the time go? I can't believe they are
already 7 weeks old! Only a few more weeks at home before I return to work. I am not looking forward to being away from them but they are going to a great home daycare! We have some updated stats for everyone. Will is now 9 lb. 12 oz. and 22 inches long. Hayden is 8 lb. 6 oz. and 20 3/4 inches long. They are growing so fast! They have both gained over 3 pounds since birth!
The pictures included:
1. The twins today! Growing so fast!
2. Cheering on the Cats!
3. Cheering on the Huskers with Daddy!
4. Hanging with the Turman twins!
5. Close up....look at the cheeks and chins!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Too Cute!!!

Here are a couple pictures that are too cute not to post! The first is Will in his baseball outfit getting ready to watch the World Series with Grandpa Doug. The second is the twins trying to share the same pacifier! The third is Hayden holding Grandpa Doug's finger.....priceless!

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Little Hair Pulling :)

Go Cats!!!!

Here is a little video of the kids playing together. My sound didn't work but Hayden keeps pulling her own hair and squealing! Then she lets go and does it all over again. She looks at Will as if he is the culprit. It was a rather fun and entertaining morning. Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

One Month Down.....It Flew By!

We had a wonderful first month with Hayden and Will! My Mom was here for the month and it was fabulous to have her here! I don't know what we will do without her! Mike was able to make it for the end of the trip too! Next we have my Dad and Christine coming to see everyone! It should be a fun rest of the month. Here are some more pictures of Hayden and Will. They are growing like weeds! We are having the time of our lives with the little ones!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

3 Weeks Already!

Harley on guard....with supervision of course!
They have their own prayer shawls!

My favorite picture of them! So cute!

Play time!

Will Alan

I can't believe how fast time is already flying! Our babies will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. Yikes!!! We have had an amazing 3 weeks and I know it will only get better. We are such a happy little family. Harley is even adjusting well. He came home last week and is already protecting his little ones. He is a little sad that Mommy isn't here just for him now though. It is very cute! Here are some more pictures. :)