Friday, August 12, 2011

Crawling Adventure

Here is their recent crawling adventure! It is hilarious! They are such great friends!

Some August Pics

Hayden sleeping...her leg is over her bumper pads.
Will's butt says "Caution Rumble Zone"....a Harley Davidson outfit from Grandma Kathy

Cutest Biker Dude EVER!

Cutest Biker Chick EVER!!!

What a ham!

At the Fur Trade Days parade
In the corner getting into trouble

Will nuded up....he had a fever of 102 for about 4 days so he spent most of that time in his diaper. On one occasion I came into the room to find poo coming out of his diaper and Hayden trying to figure out what it was. I think I scared them by how fast I scooped Hayden up and cleaned her finger off. Yuck! Luckily I got to her before she put it in her mouth!

Playing basketball....notice the basket count is at 8!

Our Little Peanut

Grandma Kathy was able to visit at the end of June. We had a fabulous time! We were able to take the kids to the pool a few times and then we stayed at the Watiki resort in Rapid City. They have a fabulous water park and the kids really enjoyed the water. We had such a nice time with Grandma Kathy. Then on July 18 the kids took swimming lessons for a week. Aric and I got in the water with the kids and they began their love affair with water. It was wonderful! Here are a few more of the youngsters!


We have had an incredibly busy summer! Last July (2010) our house was hit by a huge hail storm. We had quite a bit of damage so Aric has had to replace our roof and paint this summer. The roof has been on for a bit but the painting has brought on many other projects! Aric has discovered some things that were not done correctly so he is fixing up the house as he goes. He is doing AMAZING! I will post some pictures when we are done for the summer....probably a couple months yet. Anyway, we have been working fast and furious on the house and taking care of babies!

The kids are AMAZING too! They enjoy crawling around and playing with each other. They are such great friends! Hayden still steals Will's toys but now Will has started to steal them back. Kirk and Ann are in the process of moving to Chadron so the kids are getting more play time with Jack and loving it! Last night Jack was even letting the twins share his juice. It was very sweet! The kids are growing like crazy! They crawl very fast and pull up on everything! Will 'walks' himself down the couch and Hayden stands up and lets go of what she is holding so she can practice standing. She gets very proud of herself and giggles. Their favorite game is to crawl around the island in the kitchen, stop every few crawls, look at each other and giggle! Then they continue on their trip! It is great!

I am pretty sure we finally have a tooth from Will this morning! He has been working on them for a couple months at least! Hayden is working on teeth but we don't even see anything yet. They are 11 months on Monday so hopefully we get some soon. :) Here are a few pictures. I will try to get pictures up more often. Daddy, Will, Hayden & Harley before bedtime
Will in his Hawaiian outfit!

Hayden ready for Hawaii (maybe someday)!!!

Outfits from Mexico

At the pool with Mommy!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Will in the Mornings!

I was able to capture Will and his usual wake-up attitude this morning. He is just like his Mommy when I was younger! It is hilarious! He wakes up first maybe once every 2 months. Every other morning we wake the kids up for daycare or Hayden wakes everyone up. :) Hayden is a dream in the morning! She wakes up talking to herself and playing in her crib. It is wonderful! Anyway, if you knew me when I was little, this will look familiar. If not, here is a little look into what my parents and brother went through every morning! :)