Sunday, April 18, 2010

Baby Room & Tummy!

Here are a couple pictures of the baby room. It is a little small for 2 cribs but it will work just fine. I can't wait to rock my little babies in the rocking recliner! I also included a picture of my belly at about 15 weeks. I am showing more than someone would with one baby....duh! I have to keep reminding myself of that! We are very excited and time can't seem to move quickly enough. We are anxiously awaiting May 7 which is when we will, hopefully, find out the sex of the babies!

Still trying to comprehend 2 cribs!!!!

Both cribs look just like this....full of fun stuff from Tim & Colette! Many, many thanks to Tim & Colette for all the adorable things! We were so excited that we left it all out so we can look at it everyday. We often go sit in the room and just look at the stuff!

My belly at about 15 weeks pregnant. It is starting to poke out!