Thursday, May 27, 2010

Baby Room Painted!

Aric has been hard at work getting our house ready for the twins. He is doing all the fix-it projects he has wanted to do since we moved in. He finished painting the nursery this week. Three of the walls are a light latte color and the window wall is mudpie. We also rearranged the furniture so that Baby A's crib is away from the heater. We love it! It is snug but very comfortable and happy. We still need to straighten a little and will add more decorations later.

Baby room from door

Baby room from the window

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BOY & GIRL!!!!

We are having.....a BOY and a GIRL!!!! Baby A is boy and is very rowdy. He likes to move all over and kick at his little sister. Baby B is a girl and is a little more mellow. She still moves around a lot but she doesn't have as much room to move.
We had a fabulous weekend with Mom and Conk! Mom was able to go to our ultrasound to see the babies and hear the heartbeats. We also spent some time shopping for the little fun! I can't wait to meet them!

We have decided to decorate the nursery in brown/blue and brown/pink. We will add different things for each baby. Grandma and Grandpa Rommereim sent a beautiful cross to bless the babies room. We will put it up as soon as the room is painted....hopefully soon.

Here are some updated pictures of my belly.

Belly at 19 is really poking out and looking pregnant!

Prayer shawl from Grandma Helen. It is so beautiful and I love it so much!