Monday, February 21, 2011

5 Months and Counting

Our babies have passed 5 months old!!! I can't believe it! I was holding strong that we would wait and start them on rice cereal after our Montana trip but my kids changed my mind. They have made me believe that they are ready to try it. Last night Aric and I decided it was the night to start. It was hilarious!!! They both would open their mouths excited to try it and then have the most disgusted looks. They did eat a little bit but I don't think they like it very much!

We have also been waiting for Hayden to roll over. Will still has no interest in rolling over. He would prefer to reach out and grab things he needs and stay on his back. Hayden, on the other hand, thinks she needs to be on the go. Once she starts crawling and walking we are in trouble! Today I was off for Presidents' Day and I was enjoying a great day with the kids. Well, I put the kids down for a nap....on their backs of course. When I went to get them, Hayden was on her tummy! The stinker didn't even roll over the first time with anyone around. We are still very excited though!

We are enjoying every second of our lives with Will and Hayden! We are very excited to see you all in Montana in less than 2 weeks!!!! Yay! Will holding his teething ring with Daddy!
Cousin Jack shaking hands with Hayden. They were all very excited to play!
Hayden in her pretty head band from Emily (Robison) Good!
Will chewing on Hayden's hands....a usual occurrence

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